Here are the books you can borrow from the Internet Archive (last updated August 30 2024).
- Aardema, Verna. The Riddle of the Drum
- Aardema, Verna. This for That
- Adams, Pam. There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed the Sea
- Adoff, Arnold. The Cabbages Are Chasing the Rabbits
- Ahlberg, Allan. Dinosaur Dreams
- Alda, Arlene. Pig, Horse, or Cow, Don't Wake Me Now
- Aliki. At Mary Bloom's
- Aliki. Hush Little Baby: A Folk Lullaby
- Aliki. June 7
- Allbright, Viv. Ten Go Hopping
- Arnold, Marsha. Roar of a Snore
- Ashburn, Boni. The Fort that Jack Built
- Aylesworth, Jim. Aunt Pitty Patty's Piggy
- Aylesworth, Jim. Mr. McGill Goes to Town
- Baehr, Patricia. Mouse in the House
- Bahl, Usha. The Wishing Tree
- Baker, Alan. Black and White Rabbit's ABC
- Banks, Kate. Peter and the Talking Shoes
- Bardhan-Quallen, Sudipta. The Worst Twelve Days of Christmas
- Baron, Alan. Little Pig's Bouncy Ball
- Baron, Alan. Red Fox Dances
- Barton, Byron. Buzz, Buzz, Buzz
- Beall, Pamela. The House That Jack Haunted
- Beaumont, Karen. Duck, Duck, Goose!
- Becker, Helaine. A Porcupine in a Pine Tree
- Becker, Helaine. The Haunted House that Jack Built
- Beeke, Jemma. The Rickety Barn Show
- Belpre, Pura. Perez and Martina
- Bennett, David. One Cow Moo Moo
- Bennett, Jill. Teeny Tiny
- Berenstain, Stan. The B Book
- Berson, Harold. The Boy, the Baker, the Miller, and More
- Birdseye, Tom. Oh Yeah!
- Birdseye, Tom. Soap! Soap!
- Bishop, Claire. Twenty-Two Bears
- Blackaby, Susan. The Twelve Days of Christmas in Oregon
- Blegvad, Erik. Burnie's Hill
- Bond, Rebecca. Just Like a Baby
- Boutwell, Edna. Red Rooster
- Bowen, Anne. I Know an Old Teacher
- Bower, Gary. A Patch on the Peak of Ararat
- Brenner, Barbara. Good News
- Brooks, Alan. Frogs Jump
- Brown, Marcia. The Bun
- Brown, Ruth. A Dark, Dark Tale
- Brown, Ruth. The Big Sneeze
- Brown, Ruth. The World that Jack Built
- Browne, Eileen. Handa's Surprise
- Buhler, Cynthia von. The Cat Who Wouldn't Come Inside
- Bunting, Eve. The Big Cheese
- Burns, Marilyn. The Greedy Triangle
- Burton, Virginia. Katy and the Big Snow
- Capucilli, Alyssa. Good Morning, Pond!
- Capucilli, Alyssa. Inside a Barn in the Country
- Capucilli, Alyssa. Inside a House That is Haunted
- Capucilli, Alyssa Satin. Inside a Zoo in the City
- Carey, Bonnie. Grasshopper to the Rescue
- Carle, Eric. Pancakes, Pancakes!
- Carle, Eric. Where Are You Going?
- Carlstrom, Nancy. Baby-O
- Charman, Katrina. The Ninjabread Man
- Christian, Cheryl. Matty and Patty
- Christian, Mary. Nothing Much Happened Today
- Chwast, Seymour. Had Gadya
- Chwast, Seymour. The Twelve Circus Rings
- Clarke, Jane. Who Woke the Baby?
- Clarke, Mollie. Congo Boy
- Cole, Joanna. Golly Gump Swallowed a Fly
- Coleman, Michael. Lazy Ozzie
- Compton, K. & J.. Granny Greenteeth and the Noise
- Cooke, Trish. So Much!
- Corr, Christopher. Deep in the Woods
- Cowley, Joy. Who Spilled the Beans?
- Cox, Lynn. Crazy Alphabet
- Creech, Sharon. Fishing in the Air
- Crumble, P.. There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Mozzie
- Cunliffe, John. The King's Birthday Cake
- Daily, Don. The Twelve Days of Christmas Cats
- Dannenbring, Cheryl. My Puppy Gave to Me
- Davis, Aubrey. The Enormous Potato
- Davol, Marguerite. How Snake Got His Hiss
- Davol, Marguerite. The Heart of the Wood
- Day, David. King of the Woods
- Daynes, Katie. The Enormous Turnip
- De las Casas, Dianne. The Cajun Cornbread Boy
- De Regniers, Beatrice Schenk. Catch a Little Fox
- Demuth, Patricia. The Ornery Morning
- Dennis, Robert. The Gingerbread Bear
- Dickinson, Rebecca. The 13 Nights of Halloween
- Dodd, Lynley. Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy
- Dodd, Lynley. Hairy Maclary's Bone
- Dodds, Siobhan. Grandpa Bud
- Donaldson, Julia. The Snail and the Whale
- Donaldson, Julia. The Spiffiest Giant in Town
- Dragonwagon, C.. This is the Bread I Baked for Ned
- Duff, Maggie. Rum Pum Pum
- Dunbar, Joyce. This Is the Star
- Dunphy, Madeleine. Here is the Arctic Winter
- Dunphy, Madeleine. Here Is the Southwestern Desert
- Dunphy, Madeleine . Here is the Tropical Rain Forest
- Dunrea, Olivier. Deep Down Underground
- Edwards, Pamela. Jack and Jill's Treehouse
- Edwards, Pamela. Rude Mule
- Edwards, Pamela. The Wright Brothers
- Elkin, Benjamin. Such Is the Way of the World
- Elkin, Benjamin. The King Who Could Not Sleep
- Elkin, Benjamin. Why the Sun Was Late
- Emberley, Ed. Thanks, Mom
- Emberley, Rebecca. There Was an Old Monster!
- Enderle, Judith. Where Are You, Little Zack?
- Ernst, Lisa. Stella Louella's Runaway Book
- Esterl, Arnica. The Fine Round Cake
- Ets, Marie. Elephant in a Well
- Falwell, Cathryn. Feast for Ten
- Farber, Norma. This is the Ambulance Leaving the Zoo
- Fardell, John. The Day Louis Got Eaten
- Fearrington, Ann. Who Sees the Lighthouse?
- Fechner, Conny . The Australian Twelve Days of Christmas
- Fernandez, Emily. This is the Bread the Hen Baked
- Firmin, Peter. Basil Brush Gets a Medal
- Fischer, Scott. Jump!
- Flack, Marjorie. Ask Mr. Bear
- Fleming, Candace. This Is the Baby
- Franco, Betsy. Pond Circle
- Fredericks, Anthony. Under One Rock
- Fuller, T. Nat. A Good Day for a Hat
- Galdone, Paul. Little Tuppen
- Galdone, Paul. The Greedy Old Fat Man
- Garriel, Barbara. I Know a Shy Fellow who Swallowed a Cello
- Garrison, Christian. Little Pieces of the West Wind
- Gelman, Rita Golden . Pizza Pat
- Geraghty, Paul. Over the Steamy Swamp
- Geringer, Laura. The Stubborn Pumpkin
- Gershator, Phillis. Who's Awake in Springtime?
- Gibbie, Mike. Small Brown Dog's Bad Remembering Day
- Gibson, Ginger. Tiptoe Joe
- Ginsburg, Mirra. How the Sun Was Brought Back to the Sky
- Gobhai, Mehlli. Usha, the Mouse-Maiden
- Godden, Rumer. The Old Woman Who Lived in a Vinegar Bottle
- Godfrey, Janice. The World That God Made
- Goldfinger, Jennifer. My Dog Lyle
- Gorbachev, Valeri. Red Red Red
- Gorbachev, Valeri. Where is the Apple Pie?
- Gray, Libba. Is There Room on the Feather Bed?
- Greene, Carol. The Golden Locket
- Greene, Rhonda. The Stable Where Jesus Was Born
- Greene, Rhonda. This is the Teacher
- Greenway, Beth. The Twelve Days of Hula: A Counting Book from Hawai‘
- Grossman, Bill. Donna O'Neeshuck Was Chased by Some Cows
- Harder, Dan. Colliding With Chris
- Harper, Charise. There Was a Bold Lady who Wanted a Star
- Hatch, Elizabeth. Halloween Night
- Hayes, Joe. "Mariposa Mariposa" in Tell Me a Cuento
- Hayes, Sarah. This is the Bear
- Hearn, Michael. The Porcelain Cat
- Heide, Florence. That's What Friends Are For
- Heilbroner, Joan. This Is the House Where Jack Lives
- Hillenbrand, Will. Down by the Barn
- Himmelman, John. Honest Tulio
- Hirsh, Marilyn. Could Anything Be Worse?
- Hirsh, Marilyn. One Little Goat
- Hogrogian, Nonny. The Cat Who Loved to Sing
- Hoguet, Susan. I Unpacked My Grandmother's Trunk
- Hoopes, Lyn. Wing-a-Ding
- Horsbrugh, Wilma. The Train to Glasgow
- Howland, Naomi. The Matzah Man
- Hughes, Shirley. Alfie Gets in First
- Hunter, C. W.. The Green Gourd
- Hutchins, Pat. Don't Forget the Bacon!
- Inkpen, Mick. Billy's Beetle
- Jackson, Alison. I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie
- Johnson, Evelyne. The Cow in the Kitchen
- Kahl, Virginia. Whose Cat is That?
- Kapchinske, Pam. Hey Diddle Diddle: A Food Chain Tale
- Kasza, Kieko. When the Elephant Walks
- Kettner, Christine. "Oliver Cat Loses a Button" in Oliver Cat on Planet B
- Kharms, Daniil. First, Second
- Kimmel, Eric. Greatest of All
- Knight, Hilary. A Firefly in a Fir Tree
- Knowlton, Laurie Lazzaro. I Know a Librarian Who Chewed on a Word
- Kono, Erin. The Twelve Days Of Christmas in Wisconsin
- Krebs, Laurie. We All Went on Safari
- Kuskin, Karla. A Boy Had a Mother who Bought Him a Hat
- Kuskin, Karla. James and the Rain
- Lamont, Priscilla. The Troublesome Pig
- Law, Jessica. A Hole in the Bottom of the Sea
- Leman, Martin. Twelve Cats for Christmas
- Lenhard, Elizabeth. The Ball of Clay that Rolled Away
- Leodhas, S. N.. Always Room for One More
- Lester, Helen. It Wasn't My Fault
- Levy, Janice. Papa Gave Me a Stick
- Lewison, Wendy. Buzzzz Said the Bee
- Lillegard, Dee. Sitting in My Box
- Lillie, Patricia. When the Rooster Crowed
- Lillie, Patricia. When This Box is Full
- Lindman, Maj. Snipp, Snapp, Snurr, and the Buttered Bread
- Litzinger, Rosanne. The Old Woman and Her Pig
- Lobel, Anita. The Pancake
- Lobel, Arnold. The Rose in My Garden
- Lobiecki, Marybeth. The Prairie That Nature Built
- Long, Kathy. The Runaway Shopping Cart
- Lorenz, Lee. Big Gus and Little Gus
- Losi, Carol. The 512 Ants on Sullivan Street
- MacDonald, Elizabeth. Mike's Kite
- Macdonald, Margaret. The Squeaky Door
- MacDonald, Margaret Read. The Farmyard Jamboree
- Mallat, Kathy. The Picture That Mom Drew
- Manham, Allan. The Giant Carrot
- Manning, Linda. Animal Hours
- Manning, Linda. Dinosaur Days
- Manning, Mick. Snap!
- Manson, C.. The Tree in the Wood
- Manson, Christopher. A Farmyard Song
- Manushkin, Fran. My Christmas Safari
- Manushkin, Fran. The Matzah That Papa Brought Home
- Martin, Francesca. Honey Hunters
- Martinez, Ruth. Mrs. McDockerty's Knitting
- McCadden, Kristie. The Twelve Days of Spring
- McGovern, Ann. Too Much Noise
- McKernan, Llewellyn. This Is the Day
- Medearis, Angela. Too Much Talk
- Melmed, Laura. The Marvelous Market on Mermaid
- Meng, Cece. I Will Not Read This Book
- Millard, Glenda. Isabella's Garden
- Mitton, Tony. Dinosaurumpus
- Moncure, Jane. What Will It Rain?
- Moon, Pat. This Is the Earth
- Morley, Carol. Farmyard Song
- Mortensen, Lori. Cowpoke Clyde and Dirty Dawg
- Neitzel, Shirley. Jacket I Wear in the Snow
- Neitzel, Shirley. Our Class Took a Trip to the Zoo
- Neitzel, Shirley. The Bag I'm Taking to Grandma's
- Neitzel, Shirley. The Dress I'll Wear to the Party
- Niland, Kilmeny. A Bellbird in a Flame Tree
- O'Connor, Jane . The Teeny-Tiny Woman
- Ottersley, Martha. The Twelve Days of a Muppet Christmas
- Overton, Jenny. The Thirteen Days of Christmas
- Oxenbury, Helen. It's My Birthday
- Oxenbury, Helen. The Great Big Enormous Turnip
- Pace, David. Shouting Sharon
- Patron, Susan. Dark Cloud Strong Breeze
- Peet, Bill. The Ant and the Elephant
- Perle, Ruth Lerner. The Fisherman and His Wife, with Benjy and Bubbles
- Petie, Haris. The Seed the Squirrel Dropped
- Pierce, Terry. My Busy Green Garden
- Polacco, Patricia. In Enzo's Splendid Gardens
- Polette, Nancy. The Little Old Woman and the Hungry Cat
- Pomerantz, Charlotte. Whiff, Sniff, Nibble, and Chew
- Prelutsky, Jack. The Terrible Tiger
- Preston, Edna. One Dark Night
- Raskin, Ellen. Ghost in a Four-Room Apartment
- Rawlinson, Julia. Fletcher and the Springtime Blossoms
- Reiser, Lynn. Christmas Counting
- Remkiewicz, Frank. The Twelve Days of Christmas in Florida
- Rickert, Edith. The Bojabi Tree
- Riddell, Chris. Bird's New Shoes
- Ritchie, Alison. What Bear Likes Best
- Robinson, Michelle. And the Robot Went
- Rockwell, Anne. Poor Goose
- Rockwell, Anne. Root-a-toot-toot
- Rose, Anne. The Talking Turnip
- Rose, Deborah Lee. The Twelve Days of Springtime
- Rose, Deborah Lee. Twelve Days of Kindergarten
- Ross, Tony. Lazy Jack
- Roth, Susan. Prairie Dog Song
- Rudy, Maggie. The House That Mouse Built
- Ruzhytsky, Viktor. The Mitten
- Ryan, Pam Muñoz. Arroz con Frijoles / Mice and Beans
- Sashikumar, Kala. Eecha Poocha
- Sauer, Tammi. The Twelve Days of Christmas in Oklahoma
- Sawyer, Ruth. Journey Cake, Ho!
- Schaefer, Lola. This Is the Rain
- Schaefer, Lola. This is the Sunflower
- Scieszka, Jon. The Book That Jack Wrote
- Segal, Lore. All the Way Home
- Seymour, Dorothy. The Tent
- Shannon, George. Bean Boy
- Shannon, George. Oh, I Love!
- Shulman, Lisa. Old MacDonald Had a Woodshop
- Signore, Margaret. A Play Called...The Gingerbread Man
- Silverstein, Shel. A Giraffe and a Half
- Sims, Lesley. The Castle that Jack Built
- Skorpen, Liesel. We Were Tired of Living in a House
- Slade, Suzanne. The House that George Built
- Smith, Riley. Munachar and Manachar
- Snell, Gordon. Twelve Days: A Christmas Countdown
- Sobrino, Javier. Night Sounds
- Souhami, Jessica. Honk, Honk! Hold Tight!
- Spence, Robert. Clickety Clack
- Stanley, Diane. Fiddle-i-Fee
- Steig, Jeanne. Fleas
- Stobbs, William. Johnny-Cake
- Stoddard, Sandol. Bedtime Mouse
- Stutson, Caroline. By the Light of the Halloween Moon
- Suhi, Yuri. Simon Boom Gives a Wedding
- Sutherland, Colleen. Jason Goes to Show-and-Tell
- Sutton, Eve. My Cat Likes to Hide in Boxes
- Sweet, Melissa. Fiddle-i-fee
- Szekeres, Cyndy. The Mouse that Jack Built
- Tafuri, Nancy. This Is the Farmer
- Takabatake, Jun. Rub a Dub Dub
- Taylor, J. Clark. The House that Crack Built
- Thomas, Shelley. Putting the World to Sleep
- Thompson, Lauren. The Apple Pie that Papa Baked
- Thoms, Susan Collins. The Twelve Days of Christmas in Michigan
- Thomson, Pat. The Squeaky Creaky Bed
- Tiffault, Benette. Ghost Bat in a Gum Tree
- Tompert, Ann. Just a Little Bit
- Tresselt, Alvin. Rain Drop Splash
- Tresselt, Alvin. The Mitten
- Troughton, Joanna. The Quail's Egg
- Trussell-Cullen, Allen. This is the Seed
- Tworkov, Jack. The Camel Who Took a Walk
- Van Hoven, Constance. The Twelve Days of Christmas in Minnesota
- Van Laan, Nancy. The Tiny Tiny Boy
- Verburg, Bonnie. The Tree House that Jack Built
- Vipont, Elfrida. The Elephant and the Bad Baby
- Waber, Bernard. Bearsie Bear and the Surprise Sleepover Party
- Wadsworth, Olive. Over in the Meadow
- Wahl, Jan. Drakestail
- Wahl, Jan. Rosa's Parrot
- Walton, Rick. That's My Dog
- Ward, Jennifer. There Was an Odd Princess Who Swallowed a Pea
- Ward, Jennifer. There Was an Old Martian
- Ward, Jennifer. There Was an Old Mummy Who Swallowed a Spider
- Ward, Jennifer. There Was an Old Pirate
- Weninger, Brigitte. The Elf's Hat
- West, Colin. Go Tell It to the Toucan
- West, Colin. Have You Seen the Crocodile?
- West, Colin. One Day in the Jungle
- West, Colin. The King of Kennelwick Castle
- West, Colin. The King's Toothache
- Wiesner, William. Happy-Go-Lucky
- Wild, Margaret. No More Kisses
- Wildsmith, Brian. Goat's Trail
- Williams, Sue. Let's Go Visiting
- Winter, Jeanette. Hush, Little Baby
- Witte, Anna. The Parrot Tico Tango
- Wolkstein, Diane. The Magic Wings
- Wood, Audrey. Silly Sally
- Wood, Jakki. Fiddle-i-Fee
- Woollatt, Margaret. The Twelve Days of Christmas in New Jersey
- Yee, Wong. Eek! There's a Mouse in the House
- Yeoman, John. The DIY House that Jack Built
- Zemach, Harve. Mommy, Buy Me a China Doll
- Zemach, Harve. The Judge
- Ziefert, Harriet. Oh, What a Noisy Farm!
- Ziefert, Harriet. Old MacDonald Had a Cow
- Ziefert, Harriet. On Halloween Night
- Ziefert, Harriet. The Prince Has a Boo-boo!
- Ziefert, Harriet. Wait for Us!
- Ziner, Feenie. Counting Carnival
- Zolotow, Charlotte. The Quarreling Book
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