Jack and Jill's Treehouse is a children's book by Pamela Duncan Edwards, with art by Henry Cole, published in 2008. It is available at the Internet Archive.
Here is a YouTube read-along:
Edwards and Cole teamed up also for The Wright Brothers. For this project, they've used rebus style for the cumulative chain. Here's how it looks as it wraps up; the chain is branch - wood - floor - roof - light - table - treats - friends - birds:
And the ending is just: HOORAY for the treehouse that Jack and Jill built!
This is a great example of an ultra-simple "Jack" story: only two-beat lines, no rhymes, narrating a series of events, one after the other, and the story is about realistic, everyday events — this really could be a treehouse. The innovative twist is the rebus design element!
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